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November 7, 2012

Quick Meals #3

Another quick-meal-random-mashup. :) 

Part One: Mushroom tortellini (pre-fab ones) tossed in cream of chicken and mushroom soup (from the can), with fresh tomatoes, diced onions, white button mushrooms, seasoning and grated Parmesan cheese. 

Part Two: Marinated pork chops. I honestly don't quite recall which spices I used. Looking at the picture there must have been fresh black pepper, dried rosemary and fresh parsley (snip, snip). Knowing me I probably also added a pinch of salt, brown sugar and olive oil. Popped them straight into the oven at 200°C until juices ran clear and glazed with honey at the end. 


The chops were tasty fresh out of the oven but they were legen-wait-for-it-dary at 2:48am in the morning. O.o

Final Verdict: You can't go wrong with pork chops and a white sauce.

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